Drills & Practice Overview

Drills & Practice Overview When we hear the word "Drills," we think of work. Work is no fun. Instead, let’s change this perspective. Drills are fun! Why are they fun, you ask? Because…they help us improve at the game of golf and that means more pars. And more pars is definitely more fun! So let’s get to work…oops …I mean ...

Drills Overview

Drills & PracticeWhen we hear the word drills or practice, we think of work. Work is no fun. Let’s change this perspective. Drills are fun! Why are they fun, you ask? Because…they help us improve at the game of golf and that means more pars. And more pars is definitely more fun! So let’s get to work…oops… I mean…let’s get ...


BAD SHOT FIXESBad shots happen. They are a part of golf. Once you understand that, then bad shots are not as catastrophic - which is a good thing. On the flip side, who the heck wants to hit poor shots: left,right, low, nowhere, 10-feet past the hole, skull, chunk, duff… …aghhhhhhh HELP! TEE BOXBAD SHOT FIXES off the TeeFAIRWAYBAD SHOT ...

Before & After with Real Women Playlist

Before & After with Real WomenGet Inspired! I love to help women improve, to personally play with them to offer my experience out on the course. Women truly embrace and appreciate this experience, and it’s a ton of fun for everyone. OMG! I just scored a 91 and that was with all my missed putts! That's the lowest by far ...