Virtual Camp – Short Game Camp

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Welcome to Short Game Camp!


More Pars Camp with a focus on the Short Game. Ideal for golfers looking to upgrade their skills from 100 yards and in. The Virtual Camps are designed to re-create the live camp experience – you’ll virtually feel like you are in camp. Your Camp Coach is Christina Ricci!

Unlike the live camps which run just a few days, you’ll have the opportunity to receive direct coaching throughout your camp experience. (Head here to learn more about ongoing coaching options). For those that prefer a self-guided experience with no direct coaching, no problem, The choice is yours!

Christina recommends getting the Welcome Kit Starter Pack which includes the Short Game book. Self-Guided Campers receive 15% off. (email Christina once registered to get your personal discount code!)  The book mirrors the Structured Itinerary in this program making it easy for you to follow along with the videos and lessons presented throughout camp. Easy-peasy lemon-squeezy.



  • Direct Coaching with Christina ( only if enrolled in Remote Coach Program)
  • Distraction Free Learning Interface
  • Ad-free videos (not YouTube)
  • Structured Easy to Follow Itinerary
  • Short Game Topics
  • Guided Practice Sessions
  • Game Assessments
  • Handy Checklists
  • Resources and Next Steps

Camp Itinerary

Christina welcomes you to camp! She’ll explain how the camp works and how to get the most from your virtual experience.

Live camp vs. Virtual Camp
Christina will share how the camps are the same and how they differ.

Enjoy Discounts
Christina recommends getting the More Pars Short Game book. (email Christina once registered to get your personal discount code!) The book mirrors the Structured Itinerary in this program making it easy for you to follow along with the videos and lessons presented throughout camp. Easy-peasy lemon-squeezy.

Camp Gear
Christina will cover in detail suggested camp gear to get. This gear will help you expedite learning and help to create a more efficient practice session.

Camp Game Form (only req. if enrolled in Remote Coach Program)
To kick-off your Camp, you’ll complete a pre-camp game form so Christina can learn all about you and your game. This form will help Christina guide you with the right focus and suggestions so you can get the most out of your camp experience.

Practice Guidelines
Golf is not like riding a bike. It does require focused attention and quality practice. The good news, Christina will guide you step by step with each of your practice sessions.

Direct Coaching Guidelines (if enrolled in Remote Coach Program)
Christina will walk you through how the coaching part of the camp will work. How to capture your swings and what you’ll need to participate in the live coaching.

Find a Local Golf Professional
If you are not receiving direct coaching from Christina, it is highly recommended that you find a local golf professional. Having professional guidance will make your learning process that much more efficient and fun.

Golf Lingo
Golf has its own language. If you are new to the game or even an experienced player, it is good to be crystal clear on all golf lingo.

Mistakes are Good! 
Regardless of skill level, when a new skill set is presented, mistakes and errors are expected. This is how the brain learns to identify what is correct and not correct.

How to Identify Faults 
Identifying the root cause of your short game faults, whether around or on the green, can be tricky. Players who come to my camps typically have a theory about why they are mis-hitting their shots. More often than not, they have not identified the root cause, but the by-product of that root cause.

Short Game Action Plan
The first step is to establish your short game goals–short and long term. The next step is to craft a smart game plan to tackle your weak areas and maintain your stronger areas of the short game.

Zip it Up
The secret of the wedge game technique is connection. I call this zipping up. Zipping up the upper arm to your torso engages the torso to join the rotation party.

Bounce is Your Pal
The bounce provides versatility for various shots around the green. Learn what it is and how to use it.

Distance Control 
Learn how to dial in your wedge game from 10 yards and in using less than full swings and/ or changing up the club.

What’s Your Wedge Style?
Let’s examine the two popular choices and determine which one is best for you.

How to Spin the Ball
A popular request from my campers is how to get that awesome check-up when the ball does a hop and then it stops.

Understanding Grass Types 
As you progress with your game, it is important to pay attention to the subtleties. How the grass grows is one such subtlety. Is the grass growing toward the target, away from it or straight up? Is it thick, or light and fluffy?

In the end, it’s all about dispersion. How tight is your radius around the flag?

Let’s Practice
Let’s practice. I love practicing. Do you? To be a great short game player, you definitely need to practice a ton.

Play it Open
Many players are uncomfortable opening the clubface. From the sand, it is paramount that you do.

Open Alignment
An open setup provides a slightly steeper angle of attack. This promotes quick height out of the bunker. Players who swing too shallow with a square setup often blade it. Conversely, players who swing too steep often take too much sand.

Firm or Wet Sand
When the sand is firm or wet, a different approach is required to get it out.

Light or Fluffy?
When the sand is light and fluffy, let’s give you the keys to get it out and near the hole.

Bunker Success Keys
Let’s examine the important things to focus on for a successful bunker game.

Distance Control
What is the trick to dial in distance if the flag is tucked close or farther away?

Long Greenside
When you are 30-40+ yards from the green, a different approach is required. Club selection is key. A sand wedge is typically not the best choice, as the carry is farther. Let’s examine the better choices.

Close to the Edge
Join me as I pay a ball that is close to the edge with a tight pin. Plus, to make matters more treacherous, I have an innocent deer behind the flag. If I blade this shot, Bambi could get nailed. Yikes!

Up & Down Slopes
How to play a ball on an up or downslope from the sand.

Ball Below Feet
When you find the ball well below your feet in the bunker, the first thing to ask yourself: How the heck did this ball stay up on this super steep slope?

High Lip Bunker
Learn the key points to escape a bunker with a crazy steep lip.

The Buried Lie
Learn the key points to get the ball out in one…not 10.

Firmer Sand
Learn the key points to tackle the bunker that is on the firm side.

Near the Lip on an Upslope
Learn the key points to play a ball that is kinda on an upslope and near the lip, creating an awkward stance.

Fairway Bunker
The key with fairway bunkers is to select the best club. This will depend on the lie. If the ball is sitting pretty and the lip is out of play, grab your hybrid. Its big head with flat-sole design slides effortlessly through the sand.

Long Greenside with Deep Lip
I have a good 60-yard carry out of this deep lip uphill bunker. Club selection is key. I am using my gap wedge. The last club I’d select would be my 58˚ wedge. Join me as I share the keys for success.

Submit Your Bunker Shots
Struggling with a particular bunker shot? Capture your swing from face on and down the line. Christina will provide a detailed analysis.

Chip vs Pitch?
What’s the difference and when to use each.

The Cupcake Chip
I like to call it the cupcake chip because it represents the short shots of 10-30 yards around the green. The move is small and simple, just like a delicious cupcake.

Chip Technique Keys & Culprits
To be a great chipper, you need to have a consistent low point.

40-Yard Pitch
A tough shot for many players. For the short pitch shots, let give you the keys to stick it close.

Landing Spot
Once your technique is sound, it’s time to focus on your land spot.

Which Club?
This is very popular amongst players of all skill levels, especially players newer to the game. Learn which club to use for your chip shots.

How to Play the Rough
There are varying degrees of rough. It is important to understand that the more grass between the club and the ball, the less friction. Less friction means less spin. Less spin means more roll-out. How the ball is sitting in the rough plays a key role on the type of shot.

High or Low
When it comes to shots around the green, the question to ask: Do you want to go high or low?

Tempo – Let Gravity Do the Work
Consistency around the green begins with good tempo. Let gravity lead the eay o great shots.

Chipping off of Tight Lies
Learn the keys when chipping off of tight lies.

Spin with Little Roll Chip Shot
This is a great trick to control the roll.

Let’s Practice!
To be a great around the green, you’ll need to practice. Christina shows you exactly what to practice.

How to Play an Upslope
With an upslope the trajectory is higher with a softer landing, so you can be more aggressive with your landing spot.

How to Play a Downslope
With a downslope the trajectory is lower with more roll out once it lands, so it is important to select thebest club and landing spot.

Ball Above Your Feet
With a ball above the feet, the ball flight will tend to draw. Your setup and aim need to be adjusted to accommodate for these tendencies.

Ball Below Your Feet
With a ball above the feet, the ball flight will tend to fade. Your setup and aim need to be adjusted to accommodate for these tendencies.

Slope Cheat Sheet for On the Course
Use this handy cheat sheet to remeber the slope essentials when on the course

Let’s Practice!
To be confident with slopes of all kinds, you’ll need to practice. Christina shows you exactly what to practice.

Short-Sided Chip
to slippery down sloping green…oh my!

Wet & Muddy
I am presented with a muddy situation. Join me as I provide the keys for success and to keep the mud off the cool outfit.

Pine Needles
Pine needles can be slippery. The contact needs to be clean. This scenario is extra challenging as I have to fly over a bunker to a down sloping green.

Severe Downslope (off a tight lie)
Select a smart landing spot. In this case, it is short of the green.

Downslope to Sandy Green
The greens have been aerated and filled with sand. How does this affect this shot? The good news: it will deaden the roll-out.

Downslope to Tight Pin
When you find your ball on a severe downslope, the ball will roll out more. Select a spot most likely off the green, as in this case, to allow for the roll-out.

Severe Upslope Pitch
This is an upslope. Plus, the ball is slightly above my feet! The more severe the slope, the more you’ll need to aim farther right to offset the slope (or vice versa).

Let’s Practice!
To be confident with funky lies, you’ll need to practice. Christina shows you exactly what to practice.

What is the Vacation Zone?
As the name implies, a putt inside the vacation zone means no stress. The range is inside 18 inches. It’s so easy that you could tap it in playing a major PGA or LPGA event.

In my camps and lessons I see this way too often where players are working their posture around their putter! It is paramount that you get fitted. Putting represents more that 50 percent of all your strokes during a round, yet few take the time to get fitted.

Loft & Lie Angle?
Do you know the loft and lie angle of your putter? If not, find out by either asking the clubfitter or online. Look up the model. Loft and lie affect how you set up with your posture, shaft and ball position.

Reading the Green
Reading the green is a process that you’ll want to perform for any length putt. I like the 360 read. Take a walk with me. Plus, I share other key ways to read the green.

Alignment on the Green
Learn how to align your ball and you in relation to the target line.

Putting Grip
The grip for putting is different than the grip used for other parts of your game.

Posture & Setup
For smoother rolls, focus on a rock solid setup. Once you are fitted for your putter, you are well on your way to a great setup. The key to success is establishing a setup that promotes a stable putter face. A smooth pendulum style stroke with quiet head and rock solid legs makes that process easy.

Stroke Keys
The stroke affects line and speed. Once your setup is solid, the next step is creating a fluid stable stroke that allows you to start the ball on your intended line and roll the ball smooth at the correct pace.

Speed Control
Speed is the king on the green. The key to success is the ability to dial in your distance from any distance whether it’s 50 feet or three feet. To achieve that consistently, a process for pace control is recommended. The goal is to get the first putt within the vacation zone.

Stroke Culprits (Uh-Oh!)
Let’s make sure that you steer clear of these popular stroke culprits.

Groove Tempo
If your tempo changes on every putt, how can you be consistent?

Aim vs Apex?
Are they the same? Learn how to aim on breaking putts.

Groove Short Putts
Get confident with the short putts (inside 6-feet).

Longer Putts
Learn keys for success with longer breaking putts.

Routines on the Green
Do you need a routine on the green? This includes visualization and intent; two powerful tools for your game.

Submit Your Putting Stroke
Capture your putting stroke from face on and down the line. Christina will provide a detailed analysis.

Let’s Practice!
To be a great around the green, you’ll need to practice. Christina shows you exactly what to practice.


On completion of the final exam, you’ll receive a virtual achievement certificate that you can print and share on social touting your awesomeness!

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