Virtual Camp – Long Game

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Welcome to Long Game Camp!


More Pars Long Camp  is ideal for golfers looking to upgrade their skills. The Virtual Camps are designed to re-create the live camp experience – you’ll virtually feel like you are in camp. Your Camp Coach is Christina Ricci!

Unlike the live camps which run just a few days, you’ll have the opportunity to receive direct coaching throughout your camp experience. (Head here to learn more about ongoing coaching options). For those that prefer a self-guided experience with no direct coaching, no problem, The choice is yours!


Camp Itinerary

Christina welcomes you to camp! She’ll explain how the camp works and how to get the most from your virtual experience.

Live camp vs. Virtual Camp
Christina will share how the camps are the same and how they differ.

Enjoy Discounts
Christina recommends getting Long Game book.
(email Christina once registered to get your personal discount code!)
The book mirrors the Structured Itinerary in this program making it easy for you to follow along with the videos and lessons presented throughout camp. Easy-peasy lemon-squeezy.

Camp Gear
Christina will cover in detail suggested camp gear to get. This gear will help you expedite your learning and help to create a more efficient practice session.

Camp Game Form (req. only if enrolled in Remote Coach Program)
To kick-off your Camp, you’ll complete a pre-camp game form so Christina can learn all about you and your game. This form will help Christina guide you with the right focus and suggestions so you can get the most out of your camp experience.

Practice Guidelines
Golf is not like riding a bike. It does require focused attention and quality practice. The good news, Christina will guide you step by step with each of your practice sessions.

Direct Coaching Guidelines (if enrolled in Remote Coach Program)
Christina will walk you through how the coaching part of the camp will work. How to capture your swings and what you’ll need to participate in the live coaching.

Find a Local Golf Professional
If you are not receiving direct coaching from Christina, it is highly recommended that you find a local golf professional. Having professional guidance will make your learning process that much more efficient and fun.

Golf Lingo
Golf has its own language. If you are new to the game or even an experienced player, it is good to be crystal clear on all golf lingo.

Mistakes are Good! 
Regardless of skill level, when a new skill set is presented, mistakes and errors are expected. This is how the brain learns to identify what is correct and not correct.

Your First Steps
The first step is to ask yourself the important questions. Why do you play? What are your game goals? Christina will guide you through this important process

How to Identify Faults 
Identifying the root cause of your swing faults, whether the long or short game, can be tricky. Players who come to my camps typically have a theory about why they are mis-hitting their shots. More often than not, they have not identified the root cause, but the by-product of that root cause.

Long Game Action Plan
As a more experienced player, it’s important to find out and identify the weak links in your game. Tracking stats is a great place to start. Where are you losing the most strokes? Are your tee shots missing one or both sides of the fairway? How many Greens in Regulation (GIRs) per round?

Learn great stretches to improve your mobility before and after a round.

Your body is the most important piece of equipment so it is essential it is properly nurished.

Whatcha Thinkin’? 
The mental game is about your process from tee to green. What are you thinking, feeling and doing? Thought is powerful. It creates your reality. Positive thoughts help players improve, where negative thoughts degrade a player’s performance. More pars require positive and happy thoughts.

Your Equipment
The first question that I ask my campers: Have you been fitted for your clubs?

Grip Check
Even as a more experienced player, it’s important to make sure that your grip is in check. I find quite frequently that players are missing a couple key ingredients with their grip which affects the face at impact.

Posture Check
Even as a more experienced player, it’s important to make sure that your posture at address is in check. I find quite frequently that players are missing a couple key ingredients with their posture which affects their ability to generate ground power and stay on plane.

The Swing Plane
The club swings on an invisible tilted circle.

Pressure vs Force
Pressure can be defined as force. The more force a golfer applies into the ground as they begin their golf swing, the more force is reciprocated (Newton’s Third Law) during the downswing. Pressure is the glue that puts the golf positions into action.

Swing Style Match-Ups
There are two primary swing styles that players fall into: Releasing the club with more body rotation or releasing the club with more forearm rotation. Which swing style is best for you?

Submit Your Swing (if enrolled in Remote Coach Program)
Using a 7-iron, capture your swing from face-on and down-the line. Christina will provide a detailed analysis.

Distance Principles
Understanding how distance is achieved is the first step to producing more of it.

Alignment Process
Let’s show you how to create a consistent and accurate alignment process.

Driver Launch Setup
Learn the key points for a solid driver setup.

Driver Swing Keys
Learn the key points to launch your ball with distance and accuracy.

Why’d it go there?
An educated golfer is a better golfer. Understanding the variables that affect distance and direction makes you a smarter golfer and your best coach. Let’s identify the popular culprits, so we can get your shots flying just the way you envisioned.

Slices & Pulls A pull creates a ball that starts and stays left of the target. Either one is not good, as they do not end up at the target. A slice has more spin than a pull, so it travels less distance. 

Blocks & Pushes
A push is simply a non-curving rightward shot. A block will usually curve rightward because the player inhibits the necessary closing twist of the club through impact.

Too high or Too Low?
Balls that fly too high or too low could be due to your equipment. Getting fitted is the most important first step to great golf. If the ball pops up and travels a short distance, you are most likely chopping down on the ball with a steep downswing. If the ball travels very low, you may be smothering it. In this section, I share popular culprits that affect ball height (trajectory).

No Distance?
Where are you hitting the ball on the clubface? Center is your goal. Off-center strikes greatly affect distance, launch and spin variables. The easiest way to find out is to place an impact sticker on your clubface. You can find this inside your Welcome Kit.

Setup to Finish
Now that you understand why bad shots happen, let’s get to work on resolving your mistakes. The golf swing takes less than two seconds. You have the most control at setup. The takeaway sets the swing in motion, and from there, it’s a short but exhilarating rollercoaster ride to the finish. Let’s make sure you enjoy it.

At the Range
Let’s practice at the range!

Range to the Course
Rick Sessinghaus (Colin Morikawa’s Coach) provides tips to help transfer your range game to the course.

What’s Shallow?
Understanding how to shallow the club during the downswing provides freedom to rotate through.

Culprits That Prevent Shallowing
Shallowing the club provides the freedom to rotate without any road blocks (stalled body). Let’s find out what is road blocking your downswing.

The Release
What is it really and how to matchup your release pattern with your body pivot.

The Role of Pressure
Let’s define pressure and how popular culprits can affect your ability to shallow the club.

The Finish
A complete finish is paramount for solid ball striking. The finish is an under-rated topic that warrants much more attention. Learn how the finish affects your distance and accuracy.

Let’s Practice!
To be a great ball striker and shallow the club, you’ll need to practice. Christina shows you exactly what to practice.

Let’s examine your clubs and the differences between irons, hybrids and woods.

Setup Keys
Let’s identify the keys for a successful swing and it begins at setup.

Swing Keys
A successful swing is defined as a ball that gets to its intended target. Icing on the cake: the ball gets to the intended target with your desired ball flight. Solid strikes are effortless, compressed and have a zippy feel.

Let’s Simplify Impact
The lead hand and clubface are pals. Let’s learn more abut this important relationship.

Get More Compression
Striking the ball solidly requires the appropriate angle of attack (descent) into the ball. Ideally, as the player comes into impact, the hands are ahead of the clubhead with a square face. The divot is after the ball. Compression has a solid feel and creates faster ball speed. Players who struggle with compression must identify the root cause.

How the Wrists Work
Let’s examine how the wrists work through the strike zone. Understanding how the wrists work just before and through the strike zone is the first step to solid ball striking. Let’s take a close look at the trail and lead wrist.

Let’s Practice!
To be a great ball striker, you’ll need to practice. Christina shows you exactly what to practice.

Thin or Fat Defined
A thin shot is defined as striking the equator or top half of the ball. A fat or heavy shot is defined as hitting behind the ball. Both shots are no fun. In this section, let’s examine the popular culprits, so you can strike it solid.

Why’d I Hit It Thin?
Thin shots can be caused by a number of culprits. Let’s examine the mist popular.

  • Weak Grip
  • Posture Variations
  • Holding On (no release)
  • Early Release
  • Swing Direction
  • Trying to help the ball get
  • Trying to get “under it”

Why’d I Hit It Fat?
Fat shots can be caused by a number of culprits. Let’s examine the mist popular.

  • Weak Grip
  • Stalled Body
  • Early Release
  • Holding On (no release)
  • Posture Variations
  • Vertical Descent (steep angle of attack) resulting in an out-to-in swing direction
  • Slow hands through the strike zone

High, Low, Left or Right
These shots can be caused by a number of culprits. Let’s examine the mist popular.

  • Adding loft by early releasing.
  • Too little loft from a smother.
  • Too much forward shaft lean could create lower flights.
  • Equipment plays a key role in distance and trajectory.
  • Left and rights are due to the face orientation at impact.
  • How far it travels off line is correlated with your swing direction in relation to the clubface at impact.

Setup Culprits
Let’s examine the popular setup culprits.

Takeaway Culprits
Let’s examine the popular culprits.

Backswing Culprits
Let’s examine the popular culprits.

Downswing Culprits
Let’s examine the popular culprits.

Finish Culprits
Let’s examine the popular culprits.

Let’s Practice!
To be a great ball striker from the fairway, you’ll need to practice. Christina shows you exactly what to practice.

Driver vs Iron
I am asked this question a ton: Christina, is the swing the same? The answer may surprise you.

WMichael Neff joins us to share the key differences between driver and irons using the incredible 3D software GEARS.

How Your Desired Ball Flight Plays a Role
ARory prefers a high sweeping draw off the tee, but from the fairway more of a straight to even slight fade. The swig will change to accommodate these requests. Learn what these keys are for your game.


On completion, you’ll receive a virtual achievement certificate that you can print and share on social touting your awesomeness!

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