Don’t just pray to get it out. Follow these steps to get it out, smartly.
I missed my tee shot and ended up amongst lots of trees. Join me as I assess the situation and make my plan accordingly.
Assess Your Options
Get a yardage to each of your options to assess risk versus reward. Ask yourself…is it worth it?
Select a Specific Spot
Select a specific shot back out in the short hairs. Don’t just arbitrarily punch out and end up on a sidehill lie or in the rough. Instead, select the right spot, such as a flat lie and a good angle to the flag – if applicable for your next shot.
Set Up and Execute for Success
I make an abbreviated swing at half speed. Focusing intently and positively on my landing spot, I follow my trusty pre-shot routine. Good alignment is critical for these types of shots where the margin of error is zilch. I select an intermediate target to aim my clubface that is in line with my primary target out in the fairway.
Play the ball back in your stance. This sets your hands ahead, delofting the club to help keep the ball flight low.
Grip down on the club for more control.
Place more weight on your front side to encourage ball-first contact.