If every shot were perfect, golf would get dull. The best method of success for shots off the short and flat hairs is a positive attitude. Avoid the “woe-is-me” attitude. Accept the challenge, get out and on with your life.
The only question to ask yourself is, “What’s the smartest play back to the short hairs?”
I have a narrow opening and landing area in the fairway. The trick here is to select the right club to fly me 88 yards to the edge of the fairway and hope it doesn’t roll out too much and land back into trouble.
Get a YardageGet a yardage to your landing spot out in the fairway. Select the right spot, such as a flat lie and a good angle to the flag – if applicable for your next shot.
Focus on Your Spot
Focusing intently and positively on my landing spot, I follow my trusty pre-shot routine. Good alignment is critical for these types of shots where the margin of error is zilch. I select an intermediate target to aim my clubface that is in line with my primary target out in the fairway.
Set Up for Success
Focusing intently and positively on my landing spot, I follow my trusty pre-shot routine. Good alignment is critical for these types of shots where the margin of error is zilch.
Play the ball back in your stance. This sets your hands ahead, delofting the club to help keep the ball flight low.
Grip down on the club for more control.
Place more weight on your front side to encourage ball-first contact.
Finish Low to Keep it Low
A half backswing is all I need for this shot.
Clubhead speed creates more height. So maintain a slow and smooth tempo.