I like working on the floor. I get to lay down as I work out! Toned arms here we come.
More Pars Fitness Coach Christina Ricci shows you a gem of a toner for the triceps.
Key benefits of this move:
Tones your armsImproves shoulder mobility
Builds core endurance and stability
Improves postural integrity
The Set Up & Execution
• Get on your mat with a pair of light dumbbells to start. I use 10-12lb dumbbells.
• With knees bent, press your core into the mat and keep it engaged through the move.
• Extend your arms overhead and then move them slightly back behind you.
• From there, release the forearms while keeping the upper arms as stable as possible.
• The only movement is the bend of the elbows.
• Drop at or below parallel if comfortable, watching out for your face.
• Keep the elbows in line with your shoulders, so do not allow them to get ahead, which would place undue stress on your elbow joints.
• Full extension at the top of the move and release down.
The range of motion with you arms is the key with this exercise, not the legs.
If the weight gets heavy… stop, you don’t want to risk hitting your face.
So let’s make sure you get green checks on these key points:
• Start light.
• Core engaged into mat.
• Arms overhead and set behind to start.
• Range of motion is forearms parallel.
• Full extension with the arms at the top.
• Keep body quiet, only movement is the bend of the elbows.
Perform 10 with perfect form. Increase weight only when it becomes super-easy.