Pull Ups will make you strong.
More Pars Fitness Coaches Danny V and Christina Ricci show you the key set-up and execution for the assisted pull ups. Once you get stronger, you can ditch the bands and show off to your pals.
Strengthens your upper torsoImproves your stamina
Improves midline and shoulder mobility
Get a band at your local sporting store or google pull up bands.
The Set Up & Execution
• To find your pull up grip, stick the thumbs on the side of the shoulders and reach straight up to the bar.
• Engage the shoulders by pulling them back and down.
• Use an elevated pull up bar and grab a step or box to get up to the bar.
• Loop the band like a luggage tag.
• Center the band in the middle of your body to allow equal assistance on each side.
• Band is placed in the arch of foot, then wrap the other foot around to lock band into place.
• Locking the feet also prevents excessive swinging.
• Pull up as high as you can. Ideally, chest to bar.
• Hold for a beat, then drop down back to full extension.
• To get off the band, step to the box, pull the knee up to chest to unhook the band from the foot.
Band size: the smaller the size, the less assistance. The larger (wider) the more assistance.
Always lock your opposite foot over the other. Always engage your scaps prior to pulling up. Don’t just hang down with zero shoulder activation, this could cause injury or unhappy shoulders!
So let’s make sure you get green checks on these key points:
• Pull your shoulders back and down to engage them.
• Hands are positioned just outside shoulder-width.
• Band covers nose and chin to allow for equal distribution during the move.
• Control the move down into full extension.
• Pulling the knee to chest to remove the band prevents over-stretching the hamstrings.
Perform 5-15 assisted pull ups!