More Pars Fitness Coach Karen Palacios-Jansen shows you a simple exercise to stabilize your lower body and increase mobility in your hips, shoulders, and chest.
Fault » Early Release
Fix » Triangle Pose
Fault: If your tendency is to release the club early, then you will love power and consistency. Maintaining the angle that is formed between the wrists and club comes from a combination of upper-body strength and lower-body stability. If you lack upper-body strength and have limited hip mobility, then you won’t get into proper position.
Fix: The Triangle Pose will help you increase hip mobility while simultaneously increasing flexibility and strength in the upper body.
Perform 8 to 10 repetitions on each side
The Set Up & Execution
• Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width.
• Keep one foot pointing forward as you turn the other foot to point to the side.
• Raise your arms so that they are parallel to the ground.
• Bend from your waist toward the foot that is pointed to the side.
• Drop your arm so that your fingers touch the ground. The other arm should extend toward the sky. Your arms should form a straight line.
• Hold the pose for a moment.
• Return to the start position and repeat the motion on the opposite side.
Visualize a straight line with your body as you position your feet into the pose.
Only go as low as you can on each side, maintaining a straight but not locked knee.