Positions & Body Parts – Core & Pelvis

Core & Pelvis How we place our hands on the grip plays a significant role in how the club hinges and unhinges throughout the swing. So how we place our hands on the club is very important. So, let’s get to it.  Get Coach help if you are unclear about this topic or would like a swing review. Save Page ...

Positions & Body Parts – Impact

Impact is the moment of truth. Impact is truly the essence of great ball striking. There are many ways to get to the ball, but there’s only one way to strike it. So, in this playlist will dive into what makes great impact. So, let’s get to it.

Positions & Body Parts – Downswing

Many players go off track during the downswing because of what happened prior. So whether it’s an improper set up for the club in hand or a jumpy transition, this will affect the downswing so be sure to check out those playlists as well. In this playlist, we’ll dive into what makes a great backswing. So, let’s get to it.

Positions & Body Parts – Takeaway

Once you’re set up is rock-solid, then your next point of focus should be the Takeaway. The Takeaway is a big deal because it sets the stage for the rest of the motion of the swing. In fact, the Takeaway greatly affects how that club face returns to the ball. So, let’s get to it.

Positions & Body Parts – Backswing

The backswing can be a mystery for many players. The reason is because when the club gets out of sight we lose the awareness of where that club is in space. It becomes much like the Twilight Zone. So in this playlist, let’s dive into what makes a great backswing, so you can stay out of that eery Twilight Zone. So, let’s get to it.

Positions & Body Parts – Transition

The transition is a pain point for many players. Players get anxious and jump on the ball, or conversely, are not efficient with bending the back and downswing. The transition is simply a blend of the backswing + downswing. Players go off when they make the backswing and downswing to separate entities. Instead, let’s get you to blend them, seamlessly. So, let’s get to it.

Positions & Body Parts – Set-Ups

If you want to be a great ball striker, then you really need to focus on your set ups. A solid set up sets the stage for a great swing. A poor set up makes the golf swing too much work. A poor set-up is often the true cause of a player’s swing faults.

Positions & Body Parts – Rotations & Bends

The golf swing is a series of rotations and bends. It is important to understand the relationship from address all the way to your finish. This playlist covers— in depth— how to properly rotate into your backswing and downswing So, let’s get to it.

Positions & Body Parts – Posture

The Golf Swing is very athletic and requires a solid set up to produce and efficient movement pattern. The way in which we address the ball is what we call posture. For example, how we get into that address position by hinging from our hips, establishing the correct forward ben with our torso is paramount for success.

Positions & Body Parts – Grip

How we place our hands on the grip plays a significant role in how the club hinges and unhinges throughout the swing. So how we place our hands on the club is very important. So, let’s get to it.