Positions & Body Parts – Finish

The finish is an underrated topic. Many players do not focus on the finish because they feel like they’re done with their swing once they hit the ball. What players don’t understand is that a good finish a complete finish keeps our clubhead speed elevated. Clubhead speed plus center face contact equals more distance. In this playlist, let’s get your finish up to par So, let’s get to it.

Positions & Body Parts – Release

Many players, are unclear about the release. What is it really? How do I do it and when do I do it? So in this playlist, will dive into all those topics and get your burning questions answered. So, let’s get to it.

Positions & Body Parts – Core & Pelvis

Core & Pelvis How we place our hands on the grip plays a significant role in how the club hinges and unhinges throughout the swing. So how we place our hands on the club is very important. So, let’s get to it.  Get Coach help if you are unclear about this topic or would like a swing review. Save Page ...

Positions & Body Parts – Trail Shoulder

In this playlist, we’ll focus on your trail shoulder. Many players struggle with an over-active dominant trail shoulder, which can produce an over the top downswing. Plus, we’ll cover what else can go off and how to correct it. So, let’s get to it.

Positions & Body Parts – Lead Shoulder

In this playlist, we’ll focus on your lead shoulder. The lead shoulder can dictate path and swing direction, so it is paramount to to understand this relationship. Plus, we’ll cover what can go off and how to correct it. So, let’s get to it.

Positions & Body Parts – Forearms

In this playlist, we’ll focus on your forearms. They play a key role throughout the swing, Plus, we’ll cover what can go off and how to correct it. So, let’s get to it.

Positions & Body Parts – Chest

In this playlist, we’ll focus on your chest. Your chest / torso play a key role in how it forward bends and side bends throughout the swing. It is important to understand when and why to optimize your ball striking. Plus, we’ll cover what can go off and how to correct it. So, let’s get to it

Positions & Body Parts – Back

In this playlist, we’ll focus on your back. It can be very helpful as a training aid of sorts to bring awareness to the depth of your backswing as well as throughout to your finish. If your back is misbehaving with poor posture, you’ll struggle with good rotation back and through. Plus, we’ll cover what can go off and how to correct it. So, let’s get to it.

Positions & Body Parts – Impact

Impact is the moment of truth. Impact is truly the essence of great ball striking. There are many ways to get to the ball, but there’s only one way to strike it. So, in this playlist will dive into what makes great impact. So, let’s get to it.

Positions & Body Parts – Downswing

Many players go off track during the downswing because of what happened prior. So whether it’s an improper set up for the club in hand or a jumpy transition, this will affect the downswing so be sure to check out those playlists as well. In this playlist, we’ll dive into what makes a great backswing. So, let’s get to it.