Disconnection comes in all sizes but they have the same results..not so good…A disconnected takeaway where your arms runaway from your body is a no win situation. And quite frankly, it does’t matter so much how this happen…it just needs fix’ in.
The toe of the club is pointing toward the sky. My hands are passive during the takeaway, which keeps the clubface square. With a square face during your takeaway, you’ll have the best chance for a square face at impact for on-target shots!
The toe is pointing well right of the target line. If it comes back shut through impact your ball will go low and left. Do not manipulate the clubface. It will be VERY difficult to square the face through impact, resulting in directionally challenged shots.
The toe of the club is pointing well left of the target line. If it comes back open through impact your ball will travel dead right. Do not manipulate the clubface. It will be VERY difficult to square the face through impact, resulting in directionally challenged shots.