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Explore the Video Playlist for the Tee Box!

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We all want more distance. Especially when we see our pals blowing it by us or getting that beautiful high launch that is elusive to our clubs. And, it can be embarrassing, to boot. Get ready to kick that embarrassing ball a mile-and-a-half down the fairway, and then for your bonus… onto that green…in regulation.
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Bad shots happen. They are a part of golf.  Once you get that, then bad shots  are not as catastrophic, which is a  good thing. On the flip side, who the  heck wants to hit poor shots: left, right, low, nowhere, 10-feet past the hole, skull, chunk, duff…

…aghhhhhhh HELP!

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Tee Box Overview

Many players head to the tee box without a plan. In fact, many head to the tee box with a thick layer of doubt. The tee box is an intimidating factor for many players. Just like baking a cake, you need a plan with the right ingredients for success. Our goal is to get you the perfect icing for your cake. So the next time you walk onto the box, you’ll be filled with a focused confidence that will produce that ever so sweet center-cut drive.


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Get the Tee Box to stripe it.

The term, “Striped,” refers to hitting the ball solid—far and on- target.

Also, check out “I Want More Distance Now,” where you’ll learn the power drivers off the tee. And just in case you are down to your last ball, you’ll enjoy the BAD SHOT FIXES.
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