Goals & Process Copy


 Process for GIRS
What’s your process, routine pre- during- and post? Is it holding you back or championing you? This includes smart club selection and zero doubt before, during and after. The more we can STAY IN THE PROCESS the more GIRs we’ll get. Head to the Course Management & Mental Stamina Training to learn more bout this topic.

 Tight Dispersion
Tight dispersion for approach shots and land spots in fairway based on skill level of player.

Goal Setting and Why It Works

Goals are your self-accountability.

Setting Goals is like setting an agenda …an agenda for improving. For example, you have three key focus points that you want to get through to see improvement. Setting an agenda, gives you a reason for doing each one and it allows you to go back and evaluate how well you did relative to each point. It is your self-accountability. It creates a process that you try and achieve. It is important to also rate yourself on how well you achieved these points.

Download Me: Goal Sheet