Dumbell thrusters fire up the whole body AND get the heart pumping.
More Pars Fitness Coach Christina Ricci shows you an explosive move that gets your entire body in a tizzy. Once the form is perfect, it’s the pace that makes this move great.
Uses every muscle in your bodyBurns fat
Builds core endurance and stability
Improves posture integrity
Develops leg strength and explosive power
The Set Up & Execution
• Grab a pair of dumbells. Start light.
• With a shoulder-width stance and feet slightly flared, roll your shoulders back, then down. This is key.
• Rack the dumbbells on your shoulders. Keep them racked as you squat down, ideally legs to parallel.
• From the bottom of your squat, drive explosively up using this explosiveness to send the dumbbells overhead to full extension.
• Repeat the sequence adding pace as you get more comfortable.
Rounded shoulders are not welcome in this move. They promote bad posture and poor dumbbell position.
Your dumbbells stay racked on shoulders. If they get in front of your shoulders, the squat is lost. Weight in the toes will throw everything forward, which is not what we want.
So let’s make sure you get green checks with these key points:
• Weight stays in your heels at all times.
• Squat principles intact: Knees stay within toe line and torso is upright with core engaged.
• Your knees track out over your toes, never in. Weight favors heels and you drive through the heels to come up.
• Focus on form, then add pace.
Perform 8-10 reps 3 times!