A fantastic move that engages your entire core as you create a V with your legs and torso!
The Set Up & Execution
• Get on your mat and extend your arms over your head and legs straight out.
• Engage your entire mid-lower torso into the mat.
• Pike up and create a V.
Now, here is the key: You need to execute the move on the aggressive side in order to create the V. Moving too slowly makes it a real challenge.
As you get stronger, you can sharpen your V and reach for your toes. As you go through the move, keep your chin level, feet together, and core engaged. If your core is weak then your hamstrings, psoas or adductors are tight. So begin with this short V by bending your knees.
So let’s make sure you get green checks on these key points:
• Keep your core engaged as you pike up.
• Feet stay together and legs stay straight or bent depending on flexibility.
• Full overhead extension, while keeping core engaged.
• Execute at good steady pace, but hold for a beat at the top of the pike.
Perform 10-20 V Ups!