This move goes beyond developing leg power. It’s an all-body power move!
It requires perfect form, so be sure to master the basic squat and bar squat before moving to the front squat.
The set up is the same as the squat with the bar, but with a modification to the bar position. It is positioned in front, racked up on your shoulder/clavicle area.
Getting the bar to your chest, safely.
• Squat down and place your hands just outside shoulder-width on the bar.
• Chest up and head level as you drive up through your heels.
• With bar now at hip level, dip with your legs.
• Drive up allowing the bar to reach your upper chest with elbows in.
• Dip again to position the bar on your clavicle area, driving the elbows up.
Never bend over to pick up the bar AND never, ever sloppily maneuver the bar overhead—a sure road to injury.
The Set Up & Execution
• Set your hands so that they are outside of your shoulders.
• Maintain a loose grip with your fingers.
• Engage your core as you take a breath and hold it as you squat down; keep elbows elevated.
• Weight is in heels as you drop your butt back then down, maintaining your lumbar curve.
• Weight still in the heels. legs at parallel or just below.
• Chest and elbows are up with head neutral.
• Drive up through your heels, squeezing your butt hard on the way up to a full and upright position.
• Elbows still high and parallel to the ground.
At the bottom of the squat, your lumbar spine has maintained its curve. This is critical. Never, ever allow your back to round at any point. I like to push my knees out on the way up to ensure that track properly. Never, ever track your knees inward.
Another tip: Lead the up move with your elbows to ensure they stay high and not drop. Never, ever allow them to drop. To get the bar back to the ground, release your elbows and allow the bar to fall to hip level. Lower down into the squat as you place the bar safely on the ground.
This is a critical step because that’s where people get injured. They are done with the move and get sloppy. Slop leads to injury. My job is to keep you safe and playing golf.
So let’s make sure you get green checks on these key points:
• Same set up and procedures as the squat with bar.
• With front squat, the bar is racked on top of shoulders with elbows high and a loose grip.
• Engage as you send your butt back and down, maintaining elbows parallel to the ground.
• Chest up and core engaged with head neutral.
• At the bottom of the squat, legs are at parallel or just below.
• Core is engaged at all times.
• Drive up through your heels with elbows high, all the while squeezing your glutes.
• Knees track parallel with feet, never in.
• Stand tall and proud at the top.