If you struggle with pull ups or have never tried one, this is a great way to start!
The Chest to Bar pull up engages your entire core and torso, which is critical for success in your golf posture.
The Set Up
• Find a Smith Rack at your gym and position the bar fairly low, about hip height.
• You’ll want to get into position opposite the rack for safety.
• Get under the bar and into the upside plank position.
• Put your shoulders under the bar with your hands just outside at shoulder-width.
• Put your thumbs over or under the bar, your choice.
• Engage your entire body: squeeze your legs, glutes, and core.
• Your head should be in line with your spine with your eyes up.
• With an engaged body, pull yourself up to the bar so your chest makes contact with the bar.
• Hold for a beat then release back down, maintaining your engaged body.
• Elbows stay close to the body through the move. Never, ever flair them out.
This move is awesome and will tire you quickly. So if you are on the 5th rep and your chest fails to touch the bar, keep going for a few more. Then rest.
So let’s make sure you get green checks on these key points:
• Get in the plank position with your hands outside at shoulder-width.
• Thumbs over or under.
• Maintain an engaged body – head to toe – with elbows in.
• Head is in line with spine, eyes to ceiling.
• Pull up to touch the bar, hold for a beat, then release…maintaining full body engagement.
For maximum results, perform 10 chest to bar for 3 repetitions. Do these often and watch this puppy transfer to the course.