In this lesson, we will discuss the importance of getting to your finish.
And this topic is especially relevant with women. I find that women simply do not get to their finish. They finish somewhere in the vicinity of 2 o’clock where their belly button or belt buckle faces towards 2 on a clock or if you like baseball – toward first base. Another common culprit of a poor finish is the dreaded flat-footed, lazy leg finish. This swing is all upper body and will typically send the ball low left or weak-right.
An aggressive move to get to a balanced finish translates to power, distance, and being on target.
In order to get to a full finish, you must load into your backswing, meaning transfer your weight into your back foot. If you do not transfer, it makes it a real challenge to get to your finish. My Mom struggles with this still. Sometimes she doesn’t transfer her weight well into her back foot. Without that launching pad created by a braced back leg, then getting to your finish is hard work.
If, however, you load well into your backswing, then getting to a finish is easy-peasy. The goal is to transfer your weight so you are upright balanced and your back foot is on its toe.
Assess your finish by holding it for 10 seconds, as you watch the ball land. Your back foot should be on its toe, you should be balanced and upright with your belly button pointing left of the target! It should be at 11 on a clock or third base.