More Pars Fitness Coach Karen Palacios-Jansen shows you an isometric exercise that will train your muscles on the correct movement and to help you feel how your hips rotate in your backswing.
Fault » Swaying
Fix » Turn with Restrictor Drill
Fault: If your tendency is to sway, you restrict the power to be able to generate in your golf swing. A sway indicates the excessive lateral motion with the lower body. Swaying can be caused from a physical limitation, including a lack of mobility in the hips.
Fix: Increasing flexibility and learn to rotate your hips.
Perform 8 to 10 repetitions on each side
The Set Up & Execution
• Use a chair or exercise ball on a stand as your restrictor.
• Set up as if you were going to hit a shot with your back leg next to the restrictor.
• Make your backswing, keeping the weight on the inside of your back foot. This is so your hip rotates internally, not laterally. Maintain the flex in your back knee. You should be able to turn to the top of your swing without touching the restrictor.
• If you sway or your hips slide/move laterally as you swing to the top of your swing, you will bump into the restrictor.
Repetition is the key to correcting the motion!