Eliminate negative self-yapping for more pars!
Visualization is your strongest ally. Visualize hitting the shot you envision with the club you have smartly selected.
Visualizing a poor shot or poor outcome is the number one saboteur of golf shots. Instead, once you have carefully selected the appropriate club, visualize and commit with your whole being to a positive outcome. Then once you step into the shot, forget about the outcome. Self-talk confidently, staying in the process of the shot.
The goal is to eliminate the DON’Ts, CAN’Ts, and TRYs on the golf course and in life!
Commitment = Results
Once you make a decision, trust it and stay in the process of the shot.
Bad things happen when:
You attach yourself to the outcome.
You allow doubt and fear to creep in.
Establishing a plan and utilizing the pre-shot routine to execute that plan is the best approach to help you stay in the process of the shot. Heck, if the pros do it, you should, too!