In this lesson, we’ll talk about another slice and hook culprit: fast and jerky tempo.
Fast or jerky tempo does not play well in a golf swing and throws your swing out of sync. As a result of this fast and jerky tempo, all sorts of body compensations—not to mention wayward shots—can occur.
In my early days, I struggled with fast tempo. My hips would slide to the right, and my hands and arms would get left in the dust – sending my ball thin and right.
Fast tempo also makes it real easy to overswing, sending your club well past parallel. From this position, getting back to the ball is a long and arduous journey. Why work that hard?
Fast tempo can also kill any chance for good lag. Instead, you’ll release the angles too early.
If you struggle with fast tempo, try this: Commit to slowing your backswing to 50 percent of your normal swing speed…then power through on the through-swing.
Another good one: Pause at the top…then FIRE!
Both of these techniques will groove a slower-paced backswing. A controlled backswing allows you to set the club, leaving plenty of coiled up power to unleash during the downswing.
Work on this at home in the mirror to groove a better set at the top for more power and control in your golf swing.