On the Green Training

Christina RicciShort Game Leave a Comment

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Welcome to On the Green Training

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This More Pars Training is a focus on putting. Getting really good on the green is the fastest path to more pars, yet few train for putting. You’re smart because you’re here ready to train your putting process and technique.

1. Read
2. Start Line
3. Speed

Putting represents almost 50% of all your strokes during a round of golf. Let’s get you reading, rolling and holing LESS putts for more pars.

Are you ready for less putts?
 Let’s get to it!


On completion of your Training, you’ll receive a virtual achievement certificate that you can print and share on social touting your awesomeness!

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Course Curriculum

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Reading the Green
What’s your process?

Start Line
Affected by your alignment process, set-up and putter (effective loft, length & lie angle)

Speed is king. Get really good at vacation putts.

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Determine why and replace with commitment.

Understanding your putter’s role in your stroke.

An inefficient stroke due to possible excessive movement with hands or body.

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Set-up & Equipment Variables
Understanding how your putter affects your set-up and how the ball launches.

Energy Factor
“I need to give more energy” (change stroke for longer and shorter putts).

Ball should forward spin, which means any bounce or skid affects speed.

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 Long Putts
With a focus on getting your first putt within a vacation zone (tap-in range), you’ll enjoy lower scores with less putts per round. Your pals will be quite envious of your awesome pressure-free putting.

 Short Putts
Back of cup.

 Dispersion Pattern
Your dispersion pattern on first putts out on the course are indicators of your putting strengths and weak areas.

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Where are you consistently making contact?
– Heel or toe?
– High or low?
– Center-cut?

What are your stats on and off the course?
– Putts per round?
– Putts made under 10 feet?
– Tempo ratio?
– Number of vacations per round?

Let’s find out your dispersion pattern.
– Is it tight around the hole or all over the map?
– Does it favor one side of the cup?
– Does distance variance affect results?

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STEP 1: Reading the Green
Develop a consistent process of reading the green

STEP 2 Pace of Routine
Develop a consistent and efficient pace – and it is much quicker than you think.

STEP 3: Developing a Process for Consistent Speed
– Ideal ratio is 2 to 1. The backstroke is twice as long as the forward stroke, regardless of length.
– If off… let’s find out why?

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STEP 1: Get Feel
– Toss drill. No putter required.

STEP 2: Get Solid
– Understand and groove set-up
– Intended line with a cool marker to boot
– Shafts to FEEL the stroke the way it should feel
– Get better contact with a focus on set-up and the wobble

STEP 3: Check your Face/Path
– Creating a Face/Path station to ensure a square face and efficient path

STEP 4: Tempo Training
– What is your consistent rhythm?
– Metronome app to feel even tempo
– BlastGolf app and sensor to train 2 to 1

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Training Games:
– Leap Frog
– Tiny hole
– Humpty
– Tic Tac
– Phil’s Game
– Eyes Closed

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Bunker Training
Get confident from the bunker with a solid technique and a consistent splash.

Creative Around the Green
Learn all types of shots around the green from the low runner to the high & softs.

Chipping Training
Get confident with the basic cupcake chip. It is the foundation for all other shots around the green. Plus, you’ll learn about wedges, creating a process and how to assess the situation.


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